Package-level declarations


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Internal use only

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public final class ErrorFragmentCompat extends Fragment implements FragmentImplCallback

Include the {@code ErrorFragmentCompat} into your layout by using the {@link ErrorFragmentCompat#createInstance(Document)} factory method to create an instance and display it using the {@link}.

Your Activity must implement the {@link ImageRetakeOptionsListener} interface to receive events from the Error Fragment. Failing to do so will throw an exception.

Your Activity is automatically set as the listener in {@link ErrorFragmentCompat#onCreate(Bundle)}.

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public final class ErrorFragmentHelper

Helper class for setting arguments to error fragment. Internal use only.

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public final class ErrorFragmentImpl

Main logic implementation for error handling UI presented by {@link ErrorActivity}. Internal use only.

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public interface ErrorFragmentListener

Internal use only.

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public enum ErrorType extends Enum<ErrorType>

Custom enum class to gather all resources needed to show an error that occured while using features of the SDK.